Friday 29 June 2012


I love you, man!

Tuesday 26 June 2012


Saturday 16 June 2012

Adaptil collar review

2 weeks ago I decided to buy Adaptil collar for Ardas as he can act stressed if he hear church bells, fireworks or similar noises. I didn't expect much as he is almost 7years old and fear might became a habit to him. For example, running to a dark quiet place for a few minutes and then come back as if nothing happened. So i did buy it. To be honest the only thing that I don't  like about this collar is that it only works for 4 weeks. I've noticed that Ardas became calmer during loud noise, so I believe it works.

Thursday 14 June 2012

and after 5days...

wow. it seams that having another dog really doubles the funny moments and triples the happiness.
can't stop posting these two little creatures and can't believe they love each other so much. happy times

proper terrier behaviour

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Sunday 10 June 2012

OLI (Jack russell) meets ARDAS

So we have an addition to our family - puppy jack russell!! He's 6-7month old, plenty of energy and chaos in the house :) Both love playing, sometimes fighting and...I guess I should rename the blog name soon to Comical Ardas and Comical Oli :))